Reasons why G.I is The best community


Today i explained my three reason why G.I is the best communitty



.u cool down













GI Pools, the place where you go in the summer when you want to cool down. There are also games where you can compete for prizes and watch for your own entertainment. You can also get a bit toxic. Competitions are a place where you can go to get your adrenaline high, workout if you have gained some weight and overheat.


Competitions are the things that make life more fun, the fact that you can beat all your friends and become NO 1. Its the best way to prove you are the superior.  Personally I love competitions so I can flex and I also get a bit toxic in the process.Sometimes you can compete and win prizes like treats or even money.  G.I competitions are better too there’s some eating competitions singing, dancing and talent competitions the prize is also one of the most exciting things about competitions 😬 😬 😬.  Last year there was a matariki celebration and they hosted a karaoke competition and the winner got a prize.It’s also the same thing in this very school. Last year we also hosted a talent show but their was no prize, only bragging rights and privileges.

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